Saturday, March 15, 2008

A Warning

We have all been alerted to the presence of dangerous chemicals which are added to prescription drugs, foods, homes, and even, currently, sporting events. Curiously, one of the greater killers, world wide has been largely ignored. Yes, dihydrogen monoxide (DMHO) accounts for tens of thousands of deaths on the planet annually. Exposure to massive amounts or a little as a few ounces can have a fatal affect.

This pollutant has a global scope and is present in every river, stream, lake and sea. Among the common uses of DMHO are distribution of pesticides, nuclear power plants, commercial solvents, coolants, Styrofoam production, food processing, alcoholic beverage manufacturing and as additives for “junk food.”

In its gaseous form, it can result in severe skin damage and even death. In a solid state, it is the cause of countless, heart attacks, strokes, fractured bones and even occasional blinding. Our government, despite the dangers, continues to allow work with DMHO in many agencies and even provides gigantic storage facilities for its containment. Some observers report that it is even prevalent in our schools and have seen students ingesting it on the premises.

Many apologists claim that the beneficial effects far outweigh the negatives in the use of DMHO but that hardly minimizes the dangers. As a factor in weather disturbances, it knows no peer. Many scientists and government agencies place most of the blame for the tragic happenings in New Orleans squarely on the failure to control DMHO. Like many dangerous chemical compounds, it has a special allure—even a mystique—for many and especially the youth of our country.

Others have suggested an outright ban on DMHO but I disagree. I feel that intelligent use can result in reaping the benefits without enduring the results of the dangers. Like so many chemical ssubstances we need to temper our usage.

In His abiding love,

Cecil Moon

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