Saturday, February 27, 2010
The Health Care Fiasco
We watched the Blair House summit until our teeth went to sleep. Well concealed in the 60,000 words expended (a verified number) was the actual purpose of the event. Many naïve viewers believed it was to offer a superior product in the healing arts to millions of Americans who now lack any assurance of care. Others saw it as an attempt to project one side or the other as the protectors of the poor, downtrodden, and disenfranchised citizens who lack care. Still more realized that it was little more than an opportunity for yet more posturing by politicians.
While they discussed the issues in terms of health care, one rarely heard mention in the room of the real villain. Nearly to a man, they ignored the substantial issue at the root: federal government control of our nation’s health care. This is the issue which was truly under debate.
My desk copy of the U.S. Constitution is dog-eared and worn to a frazzle. It is often difficult to locate among the phone bills, pencils, calculators, magazines, cell phones, post notes, maps and other junk which clutters the area because it is a very small document. It is there somewhere because I just checked it to find some Article which covers an issue of current interest. Perhaps you can help me here. Locate yours and reveal just which part of the document covers health care for every citizen. That would be the same proposal which occupied the space in front of Paul Ryan (R-WI), conspicuous by its immense (2400 pages!) size, as he was ridiculed by the president.
Ah, I found it! Let’s see here, Article X., states: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are preserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”
“The powers”—“are preserved”—“to the people” are the key words in this article in my opinion—and apparently in the opinion of the founders. These are the words so often ignored by the president and our representatives in their headlong effort to dismiss our constitution. “To the people” has been replaced by “domination of the people.”
To ignore the will of the people is to ignore the intention of the framers of that sacred document. This morning, the president was strongly disapproved of by 42% of the people. In terms of simple disapproval the figure was 55%. His strong approval was at 22%, leaving a gap of -21 and simple approval was 43% with a margin of -12. For those who do not follow the results of the Rasmussen polls of likely voters, this represents the absolute lowest poll numbers in the president’s short history in both categories.
Mr. President, the people disagree with you!
On January 21st in 2009, upon your inauguration, you enjoyed the support of 65% of the citizenry. A mere 16% strongly disagreed with your policies and programs. That statistical advantage has been squandered by your arrogant usurpation of federal power in spite of citizen objection and has become an obvious desire to destroy the country. What began as an exercise in racial parity has now descended to the level of treasonous intent. The issue has nothing to do with a ruptured appendix or a life ending cancer. It is simply a matter of whose country the United States is; the people’s or the 535 career politicians who “run” it; which of course would include you.
Our ancestors, fathers, brothers and sisters, both past and present, have paid with their lives to insure the principals outlined in our Constitution. Today’s young men and women also struggle to bring freedom and legitimate governance to oppressed peoples in dark corners of the world. They were the “people” whose rights you would so cavalierly trample. The strength of this nation has been constructed upon their sacrifice and they have the constitutionally guaranteed right to be heard.
The conclusion is that we must recognize that nearly everything which comes before the powerful in Washington needs to be reassessed as to its compliance with the U.S. Constitution and the will of the people. They fight the wars, pay the taxes, maintain the infrastructure, provide the commerce, provide the food and shelter, and pray to Almighty God for the success of the nation. Hear them!
In His abiding love,
Cecil Moon
Thursday, February 25, 2010
The Pied Piper: An Enemy of the State
One would believe that over the last few decades of political scandals, shenanigans, wasted monies, alien appointments, presidential indiscretions, outright lies, and general felonious action from the top of our government that we might have become a nation of cynics. Quite the contrary: a child-like trust has crept over the electorate to prevent them from assessing reality and drawing logical conclusions. Up to now, we have had a series of presidents and legislators who have occasionally worked to defeat the American system. Today, it appears to be an all-out assault.
Regardless of how you felt about their policies and actions, we rarely came to the point that we would accuse them of not having some measure of concern for the republic. Lyndon Johnson saddled us with “Great Society” programs to the future detriment of our nation but in his final decisions not to run for office again showed a human side of a man conflicted and actually concerned for something greater than self. Richard Nixon, a man of foul personal habits and acquiescence to a felonious act was subject to moments of patriotism and wise national guidance. Even Jimmy Carter, who was cowed in the face of an enemy he never truly acknowledged, at least made a lame attempt to rescue the hostages.
As you continue the inventory you find a government of men, who faithfully demonstrate the capacity for error, misjudgment, avarice, and just plain clumsiness interspersed with gravitas worthy of their office. In no case was it possible to examine their background or administration in search of some laudable trait or action and come up empty. Hoover was a distinguished Secretary of Commerce caught in a financial distress not of his own making. FDR positioned America for war in the late thirties but had the will to see it through to the end, once it started. Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, and Ford, all vets in their own right, the ultimate test of patriotism, never gave outrageous cause to have their goals questioned. Reagan and both Bush’s support of troops and the general “America First” attitude are legend and tend to over-shadow most of the criticism leveled against them. Even Clinton could be observed rendering respect for traditions and the American purpose.
Each had to deal with a congress either of their own party or at least characterized by “mal-contents” from the other side of the aisle who were intent upon disruption. Each also learned how to deal with the opposition with varying degrees of success. As the last century progressed we found an ever-burgeoning contingent of malcontents in the congress ever willing to enact legislation not in concert with the founding principles. If the names were each to be listed there would be no further room for content and it would be election time again.
The time has come for America to wake up! Not everyone in Washington, D.C. is there out of a sense of devotion to the United States of America. As the number of decent persons has become so minimal, we frequently hear the suggestion that “we throw them all out and start over.” With a few exceptions, that might not be a totally outrageous idea. When the new crew comes in, billions in tax dollars could be saved in the time wasted trying to find the cloak room and not funding favorite projects. Add in the restrooms, dining rooms and other physical features which would have to be located and far less mischief could be accomplished.
Is it too much to ask that each elected national official, their aides, staff and appointed officials and their hired help above GS-2 be required to read and pass a simple test on the United States Constitution? How does one swear allegiance to and pledge to support a document which apparently no one has read? I happen to own and have read both the Constitution and the Communist Manifesto and be assured the Constitution is far simpler and easier to understand. If those who pass laws and enact regulations covering the behavior of Americans enacted nothing but material which would pass Constitutional muster, there would be little use for our Supreme Court. Do not for a moment believe that this is over-simplification. That document is very straightforward and recent interpretation often entails subtle views involving modernization of age old principals. A large number of the Articles start with the words: “congress shall make no law…” How ambiguous is that?
The principal violator is the current resident of the White House. For those who voted for him—you will probably never admit it!—you may foolishly think you voted for a Democrat of the same mold as Roosevelt, Truman, Kennedy, Johnson, Carter or Clinton. You are wrong! Those men, for all their faults, had a measure of respect for the Constitution, our military, the sanctity of the ballot box, and every day Americans. They held, even with UN membership, a notion of American sovereignty and respect for the country. I found much disagreeable with each but not to the point of questioning their fundamental understanding of how this country works. Even as I watched an assault on our freedoms over time, it was, at least, difficult to isolate the problems posed by support of individual programs and issues.
Today, no such difficulty exists. On a continuous river of issues from January 4, 2009 to date, we see a steady attack on the United States. It would not be nearly so worrisome if it involved air, land, and sea assault. We have the world’s finest military and they would no doubt repulse it. This is far more insidious and consistent with the modus operandi of the Taliban. This is an enemy who blends with the civilian population, respects no rules of sanctity, takes no prisoners, has no moral fiber, and demonstrates no respect for any demographic category other than its own confused mix of race and nationality. In today’s world, a 50% Irish background is not a political plus. Among thinking people, neither is being 43 3/4% Arab. That leaves 6 ¼% black African as his most endearing characteristic.
The overall view one is forced to finally accept is his principal goal of an absolute dictatorship. The appointment of three and a half dozen “czars” should be a sufficient tip-off. These people report directly to the president and each is in a highly sensitive position to shape American policy through regulation and advice. When the peoples’ behavior is directed by those who hold no accountability to the electorate we see a repetition of the infamous cabals of Soviet Russia and Germany of decades gone by.
Beyond the “czars” issue, we find our people confronted with matters which the average person has little familiarity. Reckless commitment of our national resources, total alteration of a governing style, absolute disregard for the national mind and opinion, and most seriously, the assumption that the electorate does not have the wit to recognize this ongoing all-out war on America. Here, the philosophy of governance may well be the most critical issue. Herbert Hoover made a comment which may be the key to isolating our current threat: “the difference between dictatorship and democracy was simple: dictators organize from the top down, democracies from the bottom up.” The current administration has definitely shown a penchant for top-down governance.
The time has definitely come for resistance. Not only must we be prepared to wage an Herculean effort to replace those in our government who are complicit with the administration, we must also alter our outlook on the matter of politics in its entirety. If we ever hope to see a return to sanity in our government, the people must become aware of the reality of the current situation. This administration depends on citizen ennui to forward their vile agenda. The president has moved at an unusually fast pace to make the changes he desires. We must keep up and be informed, vote, participate in local groups, vote, attend patriotic functions, vote, read, share, debate, and vote. We must become familiar with our actual history, not revisionist, and insist that we be as mindful of the founding principles as our ancestors.
We are the front line of defense on this insidious takeover of the government. Our role in the preservation of this nation is equally important to the role played by those who were at Concord and Lexington in the raw beginning of the republic. God willing, we shall not have to take up muskets to defend the country from tyranny. We must, however, be prepared and willing to make sacrifices, alienate those who insist on the status quo and don’t understand, and take this struggle directly to the enemy.
We must, in contrast to those who would rule us, be honest in all things. Lies are not scarce in Washington, D.C. or your local state house. We must not allow anything but the plain unvarnished truth to be dispersed in our presence. A scrupulous attitude toward airing only factual information and attitudes is absolutely essential. The resultant contrast between the parties of lies and those who insist upon the truth will be an obvious plus in changing minds and innervating people to resistance.
Unless we recognize what the Obama administration represents for the future of America, we shall be doomed to governmental control and oppression. We, as a people, can no longer casually stand back and be interested observers. If we are to overcome the evil force which is dedicated to the overthrow of the United States, we must rise as a people in opposition. Right now, the people are not being taken seriously. Unless we make ourselves known and alert to a public takeover we will be subject to a bloodless coup.
In His abiding love,
Cecil Moon
Monday, February 22, 2010
Monday Morning Rant 134
Yet more lovely rain came to provide company on the way to Miami for church. It was all worth the effort when it was learned that a blessing of a baby was the principal activity. A more precious person was never introduced to her church. Her great grandfather, Jappy Roberson gave the message and was on the money as usual. With all the family present, the joy of all those children would gladden the hearts of any congregation. What an ideal way to start a week.
Amid the other hysterical lies perpetrated by the climate “scientists,” we observed the threat of rising sea levels with great interest. They predicted the absolute disappearance of whole island nations in the progress of “global warming.” Accompanied by pictures of waving palms and white sandy beaches, the warmists foresaw absolute inundation of paradisiacal sites in mid-ocean, with word pictures of drowning beach goers and grass huts with water up to the roof lines.
For a saner look at this dire prediction, and the course change accompanying it, take a look at the guardian website for their update. I never thought I’d see the day when the sheep would be in a state of constant alarm precipitated by over-educated, self-interested jerks in white lab coats creating constant panic over non-existent claims for their own perverse benefit.
Unfortunately, we have to turn to foreign news sources for continuing updates about this travesty in reporting. Our major media has shown total capitulation to the “warmist” doctrine and proves more untrustworthy by the day.
The most interesting comment follows:
“hudsy writes:
"I'm sure the deniers will start howling about the science not being settled, conspiracies, and all the usual bumph, without noting that..."
Au contraire, we are dancing in the streets. Some climate scientists have withdrawn a paper that contains critical errors! This is a first. Never before has a paper by a supporter of the AGW theory been withdrawn. We hope that it is not the exception that proves the rule. We hope that Mann will follow this good example and withdraw the hockey stick articles. We hope that Phil Jones will follow this good example and withdraw all articles for which he admits having lost the raw data. We note the timing of this withdrawl and pray that it was done for Lent. God is forgiving. Mann, Jones, and the others still have time to withdraw for Lent.”
O’Reilly Gets it Wrong Again
There is much to recommend Bill O’Reilly, including his unprecedented numbers on Fox, but—and it’s a big but—one does need to exercise common sense and a critical eye. On gun control, his reporting has gained a reputation for not being “fair and balanced” and worst—inaccurate. His most recent gaffe concerned federal legislation to protect citizens rights to firearms during the occurance of a natural disaster.
Post-Katrina, the legislation was put forth to assure citizens the right to hold their protective devices during a natural crisis. Some arms had been seized along the Gulf and specifically in the New Orleans area. In a rare bit of wisdom, Congress passed a bill to specifically protect the people’s right to bear arms. The details of the vote on 7/13/06 reveal few surprises since the nay votes were the usual suspects:
Akaka (D-HI)
Boxer (D-CA)
Clinton (D-NY)
Dodd (D-CT)
Durbin (D-IL)
Feinstein (D-CA)
Harkin (D-IA)
Inouye (D-HI)
Kennedy (D-MA)
Lautenberg (D-NJ)
Levin (D-MI)
Menendez (D-NJ)
Mikulski (D-MD)
Reed (D-RI)
Sarbanes (D-MD)
Schumer (D-NY)
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Congratulations! At noon (until 2 pm) at the Dallas City Hall, the Dallas Tea Party will celebrate it first anniversay. They prepared a beautiful response to Keith Olbermann's perpetual question about where the minorities are in the Tea Party movement. Go to the site and click on that video and enjoy the diversity of the Dallas folks.
Granny pointed out this little jewel which I had missed. At :95 sec, Olbermann, in his lame attempt to defame the Tea Party states: ”by the largest crowd you will ever see in your life.” Wait a durn minute! I thought the idea was that no one attended these events. You know the popular liberal approach: “a handful of gun nuts, bible-clingers and birthers.” I guess that contradiction is the rule among these folks. One day last week, the entire national audience for his show wouldn’t have filled the Dallas Cowboy’s stadium in Irving.
Again, I say: “Congratulations Dallas!” I only wish it were possible for me to go to Dallas for the weekend and join in celebrating with fellow Americans a transformational moment in national politics. The Tea Party is here to stay thanks to the untiring efforts of groups across the country just like those in Dallas. This is America. It is OUR country and we WILL take it back!
And Finally
I do appreciate that the water accumulating in our water table will be much appreciated in the dog days of summer when we need to irrigate. Watching the quarter mile road leading out of the place turning to muddy ruts—not so much. Rural settings for homes are delightful but maintaining balance isn’t always easy.
The dean of our senior pets, Boss, just caught a mouse which earned him a trip outside. I appreciate that even in his infirmity and advanced age (going on 18 years) he is still capable of exercising his primal instincts. I remember that Christmas 17 years ago when he, then a kitten, exploded out of the center of a Christmas tree I was decorating and scared me to death. Like his owner and best friend, he has chosen to ignore the infirmities which come with age, and continues to pursue a fairly active life. I do note that we are both careful to get plenty of rest.
In His abiding love,
Cecil Moon
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