Wednesday, July 21, 2010

"Doing a job which most Americans won't do."

First a snippet of history: each of the original colonies was established as a governmental unit long before the momentous events of July 4, 1776. For example; Massachusetts Royal Charter as a Colony dates from 1691, New Jersey was established in 1738, New Hampshire became a Royal Colony in 1679 and so it was for each separate entity which comprised the thirteen original signers of the Declaration of Independence. Each joined in that declaration on the premise that they were sovereign states with rights and privileges granted by “nature’s law”--“and nature’s God.” The document then proceeded to well understand their individual nature as self-governing states occupied by free men. They then spent the next thirteen years compiling one of history’s most compelling documents; The Constitution of the United States of America.

Through both documents is a constant reference to the importance of recognition of each individual as a participant and his voice in all matters. The equality of each man was uppermost in the minds of the framers and the first ten amendments are dedicated almost exclusively to the protection of their rights. They also recognized that it was impossible to assemble as a body to administer the new nation. Thus they elected leaders to meet in their stead to conduct the nation’s business and serve the people of their districts or states. In recognition of the necessity of a group effort for self defense, international relations, interstate squabbles and matters of concern to the population generally, they provided for those specific national interests and made no move to interfere with local governments.

The result of the founder’s genius has been the formation of a nation of free, liberty loving peoples who unfortunately, have lost sight of the vision of the originator’s. As an eye-witness to exactly one third of our nation’s history I have watched the decline of individual liberty in favor of an ever increasing federal influence. With that example, the states have followed suit as well. We have gone far past the point where any man, no matter how righteous, can conduct his daily life without giving offense to some statutory requirement at some point or another. If you claim otherwise you must be a “Philadelphia lawyer” with a huge memory. Lacking expertise in every discipline and experiencing a change in individual laws as we travel into another political authority, we find our knowledge lacking due to variant rules and regulations as we change jurisdictions.

As our officials at every level of government increase in numbers exponentially, along with secretaries, directors, mangers, chiefs, “fill-in-the-blank” generals (attorney-, surgeon-, solicitor-, etc.) they assume entitlement to various honoraria. If your home town mayor, with its tiny population, is not addressed as your honor he will no doubt be miffed. It is a tradition but it should be a title which is earned and not conferred by an uninformed populace. Our officials, both elected and appointed, remain the servants of the people who hired them and pay their salaries. This would also apply to each and every level of office from the president on down to the dog-catcher. Of the ten counties in America with the highest per capita income, we find five of them adjacent to the District of Columbia (three in Virginia and two in Maryland.) I have no confirmation but I’ll wager they also enjoy the least unemployment in the nation.

As the budget continues to bulge and the payroll in every state capital expands we find the sovereignty of individual states lessening in proportion. With an ever more intrusive federal government, this is not in the least surprising. The opinion of the citizens becomes less important by the day. For verification of the last remark we recommend checking the constant polling on the issue of Arizona SB 1070. In Arizona and many other states where polling has been done, the citizenry favors their legislation by at least 60+%. Despite the preference for defense of our borders on the part of the people, the Justice Department continues to seek redress of some imagined grievance over a law which essentially is comparable to the federal statute which is largely un-enforced.

This raises the question of whether the state of Arizona has the right to implement laws which protect their citizens. It is fairly apparent to even those who live beyond Arizona’s borders that they have some very real problems with illegal immigrants. It thus becomes an issue of sovereignty. If the federal government has decided to abrogate their responsibility, it would appear that Arizona’s citizens are more than willing to “do a job which most Americans won’t do,”

In His abiding love,

Cecil Moon

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