Monday, March 1, 2010

Monday Morning Rant 135

Is their any common activity which has provoked so many lame excuses as failure to attend weekly church services? The time devoted to worship once a week, including drive time, for the average American is about 1.785% of the 168 hours in that time period. Lee Parsons devoted his remarks to that subject on Sunday and questioned our commitment to Christ whenever we become diverted from that effort. Granted, mere attendance is no guarantee of salvation but it is indeed, a mighty step in the right direction.

Speaking of time, Granny got the change in shift which she wanted. Now, rather than working from 11p to 7a, she has her preference which is the 2 to 11 evening duty. It came at a serious cost since her employer makes all changes as the calendar turns. She reported at 10p on the 28th, worked until 7a and returns at 2p for the commencement of the change on the 1st. It brings a whole new meaning to the expression “sleep fast.”

Al Gore, Apples “bad seed”

In a meeting of Apple shareholder’s, Shelton Ehrlich sought to ban the re-election of Al Gore to the board of directors. Mr. Ehrlich’s statement follows:

“I stand in opposition to the re-election of Al Gore to Apple’s board. He has become a laughing stock. The Himalayan glaciers are not melting, the seas are not rising and the medieval warm period has returned. If his advice to Apple is as bad as his position on the environment he should not be on Apple’s board.”

It is difficult to disagree with Mr. Ehrlich. Having a serial liar on the board cannot be healthy for any company. One might have thought that in the face of absolutely damning evidence, Mr. Gore might have beaten a discrete retreat from the public view and enjoyed his ill-gotten gains. Instead, in yesterday’s New York Times opinion pages he continued with the farce.

One can only pray that one day, we may note us finally rid of this pestilence. I don’t see it happening soon—they re-elected him any way.

“Non-essential Employees"

We see the words in the above sub-head on just about every circumstance of bad weather, infrastructure breakdown, or business interruption which occurs. What sort of management tolerates the presence of “non-essential employees” on the payroll? Who are these people who draw pay, take up space, are part of the staff but are not needed during a snow storm?

Most recently, in Washington, D.C., we hear that all “non-essential employees” were sent home or need not report for duty during this week’s inclement weather. What must it do to one’s self-esteem to be sent to the warmth of one’s home and hearth having been described as such? As he looks at the accumulating snowfall on the ledge outside his window must he not realize that he is there in his comfortable home because of his sheer unimportance to his employer? This could easily prey on one’s psyche after a while.

On the other hand, if you are forced to continue with your duties in spite of increasing inconvenience caused by the storm might you not feel an overwhelming sense of superiority knowing you are indeed, essential? Fortunately, when I worked for the FBI nearly six decades ago, we were never forced to confront the issue head on. During my tenure, it never did snow to any measurable degree nor did the sky fall in any other circumstance.

It is interesting to note that the noble members of the armed forces who guard the Tomb of the Unknown at Arlington are on rare occasion offered the opportunity to renege on their duty of perpetual guard for their fallen comrade. To my knowledge, none have ever accepted the offer and continue to “walk their post in a military manner.” They consider their duty to him (her?) the ultimate in essential employment.

When snow is measured in feet and not inches, one might think they would jump at the chance to retreat to the comfort of their shelter. One would be wrong. They uniformly turn down the offer and continue their relentless vigil. It is their choice and they realize the seriousness of their charge. Today’s sergeant (E-5) has a base pay of $2250 monthly plus allowances so they don’t do it for the money. Most have not even acquired that rank.

At every level of responsibility, the civilian employees are shamed by the comparison.


The Health Care summit came and went and the results are now in—nothing changed. The White House and the Democrats are still advancing socialized medicine and threatening reconciliation. The Republicans are still claiming to occupy the Philippines by defending Bataan and Corregidor. (Ed: Early in 1942, those were the last outposts in the archipelago to fall.) Both sides will suffer horrible losses as a result.

Although hard to believe, the Democrat Party—read that deluded Marxists—is prepared to lose their statistical advantage in the legislature in exchange for the foot in the door provided by the health care initiative. To gain this critical point in their agenda they are willing to be reduced to obscurity in exchange. Socialized medicine is simply one more brick in the wall which separates the people from their government. Add this to banking, industry, czar placement, cap and trade, and favoritism to government at every level and the collective goals are at hand for a diminished government of the law and the people.

The Republican Party, perpetually adrift in a sea of their own self-interest, foolishly envisions a take-over of both houses and an easy road to the presidency in 2012. They continue to tolerate the Tea Party movement by patting it on the head and through condescending acknowledgement of their popular appeal. They fail to understand that that movement is (!) the voice of the people which they are sworn to protect. As they inventory the prospects to run against Obama in 2012 they find a level of tarnish on each and every individual.

As the criticisms mount they find themselves the party of “too.” Too much faith (Romney and Huckabee), too much populism (Palin), too much kookiness (Paul), too much “ivory tower” (Gingrich), too many closet skeletons (no names here to help the other side), too much competence (Cheney), too much youth (Ryan, R-WI), too much black (Keyes), and on and on goes the list. Whoever gets the job will have to be a giant in his own right; to be otherwise, will assure defeat. The toughest part will be to recognize the Tea Party for the force it has become and enlist them in the effort to take back the government.

It is distasteful to admit that there are Americans who would willfully attempt to change our form of government and exchange it for one which has oppressed its citizens. Unless we can come to grips with that fact we will see little progress in Washington, D.C.

And finally

The only things which disturbed the robins in the front yard this week were the grazing deer which browsed the stubby grass. Both the robins and the deer are less skittish and tolerate an old man burning a stump. I am grateful they allow me to enter their world. Oh yes, they flee at any untoward sound but for the most part are pacific.

The days are gradually warming and we have fewer freezing nights. The crocus bed near the road is now up about six inches. Today I prune the grapes and retie them to the deck and hope for the best. We are now becoming impatient for spring and restoring the property from the ravages of ice and snow. All in all, it’s not been too daunting and the warming of the bones is welcome.

In His abiding love,

Cecil Moon

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