Saturday, December 12, 2009

Minus 16% !!!!!

For those who follow the Rasmussen Presidential Approval Index, be of good cheer. Your early Christmas present is here. For those who don’t, please understand that this poll is taken only among likely voters and reflects the comparison between strongly approve and strongly disapprove percentages.

The graph below, from Rasmussen has tracked this comparison since inauguration day (1/21/09) when the president enjoyed an approval rating of +26%. Around the 4th of July, the positive and negative response reversed and the disapproval gap has widened ever since.

Why Rasmussen? Their long term credibility was firmly enhanced by their habit of not taking general polls but rather those targeting only prospective voters. This targeting enabled them to call the presidential election within 0.2 percentage points. Thus people have come to rely upon them for an excellent feel for the national pulse.

We are not the only people who pay attention to these findings. A 42% aggregate downward change in the national mood has to have an affect on those who play in the political sandbox. To ignore it would be political suicide.

For more results of polling on matters of national interest we suggest you click on the link above and go to their website for data on issues which are close to you personally.

In His abiding love,

Cecil Moon

1 comment:

Donald Borsch Jr. said...

It's a Christmas Miracle!

Love it!