Monday, May 12, 2008

Monday Morning Rant 37

In a previous post it was pointed out that pyramid schemes are a folly as well as being illegal. Some persons, known to be associated with the JCRB had forwarded solicitation for participation in one of these. To underscore law enforcement’s view of these operations, consider their reaction to this guy and what amounts to a Ponzi scheme.

It should be pointed out that this sort of thing can only be achieved with the complicity of willing victims so overcome by greed that they are susceptible to offers of unrealistic returns on investments. We were alarmed at the time that any church member could be involved in a patently illegal scheme. We were horrified that they would encourage the membership to be a part of this fraud.

As noted previously, if it’s too good to be true; it probably isn’t. Be ever on the alert no matter who happens to be the source.
I find it appalling that the despots who rule in Myanmar have taken the steps they have to insure the insularity of the country. In the face of a tragedy of biblical proportions, the people of this Southeast Asian country will undoubtedly suffer greater casualties from the aftermath of the storm at the hands of the government than they did from the cyclone.

Isolated news reports, reveal resistance to incoming aid in goods, medical assistance, and other disaster relief. Many countries, including the United States have planes on the tarmac, ships cruising the sea just offshore, and legions of workers poised, available, and eager to render aid to the otherwise helpless victims. In the protocols of international diplomacy, an entry visa is required to enter the company. This visa has been refused!

I really don’t care what religion they follow. It is immaterial to me if they choose a political system unlike ours. What matters is that they are human beings and currently unable to help themselves. Every hour which passes without assistance will result in additions to the death toll. Who will rise to leadership and take charge? Will it be the United Nations? The United States is already seen by the world as an interloper in the affairs of other countries. The Australians are the closet country of sufficient power, clout and humanitarian bent to do the job. I’m betting the Aussies break the deadlock. Whoever manages this will earn, rightfully, the gratitude of the world’s disadvantaged.
Amidst the constant clamor of asserting Christian identity with affiliation to a specific body of believers we have a new report from the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life. There are few surprises in the report and many hysterical claims of “I told you so.” Traditional mainline churches (Methodist, Lutheran, Presbyterian, etc.) continue to see memberships plummet, Roman Catholicism is in decline, and evangelical churches have now risen to the “mainline.” The only newsworthy revelation is the numbers of people who are no longer “affiliated.”

In the age group from 18 to 29, about 25% claim no church. If one sees “church” and “faith” as equivalent, this is a genuine cause for alarm; if you don’t see that, then not so much.

For years liberal theologians have gradually increased control of the seminaries to teach doubt, questioning and debate instead of reverence of the Bible, love, trust, and the inspiration provided by God. The students were taught to question the truth in lieu of increasing their awareness of it. As a predictable consequence, seeking the truths of the scriptures was not just a part of the process, but, a goal unto itself. Being taught the “weak tea” version of the word had this inevitable but unusual outcome.

The churches experienced a role reversal. The pulpit voiced insecurity and questions about established doctrine and belief and the congregation through their selftaught faith and personal study of the gospels—plus individual testimony—became the rock solid believers. Put off by a lack of demonstrative faith, they left the mainline and headed for those preachers who showed an interest in truth and the saving grace which accompanied them.

Some have voiced concern that the evangelicals may be sliding down the same slippery slope toward inquiry rather than acceptance. These same folks assert the evangelicals cloak their “seeking” attitudes in less easily understood terms. From recent forays into “other” churches, I disagree. While not altogether anxious to join in their—sometimes frenzied—approach, I sense a rock solid faith and determination to share the message of Jesus Christ, plain, unvarnished and “as written.”

As always, my conclusion is that Jesus Christ is alive and well and was yesterday and will be tomorrow. Manmade crises are a constant as well. We live a world of change. The only entity which does not alter from generation to generation—or eon to eon for that matter—is the Savior. If we truly understand Him and the message there is no problem.
Over the weekend, we were spared once again from the ravages of tornados and torrential rains which blanketed our end of the Ozarks. Eighteen of our neighbors lost their lives and they experienced countless millions in losses of property and personal treasures. Our prayers and other tangible support go to them.

In preparation for Mother’s Day I worked lovingly in the yard to make it presentable to the resident mother. The gathering clouds and increasing winds predicted what was to come. When Sunday arrived all had passed and we spent the beautiful day honoring mothers present and reflecting on the memory of mothers gone to their reward. For you mothers reading here, I can only say I meant to send a card but couldn’t find one expressive enough to convey my respect and appreciation for your role in nurturing God’s children. Please accept a belated “Happy Mother’s Day” instead.

In His abiding love,

Cecil Moon

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