Monday, February 11, 2008

Monday Morning Rant 24

We have posted remarks previously on “global warming” complete with the almost wholly political aspects of the issue. Saturday night the History channel aired a piece on the Little Ice Age. After a reasonably thorough review of the history, we were treated to predictions of the re-occurrence of this disaster. This centuries long event ended in the mid-nineteenth century and did indeed leave behind a record of unparalleled misery and grief in the world and especially Europe.

All the usual suspects showed up to plead their case for climate change. We had oceanographers, climate modelers, atmospheric specialists, archeologists, geologists, and just about every one else in the scientific community who has a vested interest in becoming the latest “Chicken Little.” Although difficult and sometimes boring, I try to keep up with the latest assertions. In general, while looking for causative effects, some of these folks are now assigning blame to the ocean currents. Let me bring you up to speed here.

Immense currents in the Atlantic Ocean originate below the western bulge of Africa, in warm climates and proceed northerly past Europe (providing a temperate climate) on to the near Arctic regions. Here, the warm southerly waters, near the surface, naturally cool, take a left and proceed south, having found a more comfortable path deeper in the sea (cold water sinks) near the coast of North America—this is the highly recognized Gulf Stream. The result is a periodic cyclic disruption of the warming and cooling processes much the same as your household thermostat. It is as normal for the earth as it is for your living room. Constant temperature adjustment is the way God designed it in the first place. Like my late mother in law, I frequently feel “a draft on the back of my neck.” Not to worry, it will change.

According to Climatologist Cliff Harris and Meteorologist Randy Mann, there have been at least 75 worldwide temperature swings (all under ± 3º) in the last 4,500 years. Several of these have easily been established to be the result of violent volcanic eruptions. Some led to warmer periods and some to colder temperatures but, they all led to change.. In a short period between roughly 530 AD and 590 AD, Krakatoa (Indonesia) and at least 10 other eruptions occurred, resulting in the cold period we know as the Dark Ages. The presence of ash in the atmosphere actually blocked the sun. This was followed by ever rising temperatures until shortly before the close of the thirteenth century—about the time the Vikings reached what they called Greenland. The name they chose was more a result of propaganda genius than reflective of conditions on the ground. Shortly after their arrival the earth went into a cyclic reversal and green turned to white.

The declining temperatures continued precipitously until the mid–fifteenth century where it reached its nadir at 2.7º below normal. This was abetted by 24 known eruptions between 1335-1360 in Italy, the Pacific, Alaska and Iceland. The four hundred year plunge came to be known as the Little Ice Age and the subsequent damage to Europe through crop failure and starvation had a significant affect on immigration to America. In 1607, at the coldest time of the period, the Jamestown colony was founded in Virginia. From that time until 1991, the temperature rose in fits and starts until the eruption of Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines.

Within nine months, the worldwide temperature declined about 1º to near normal. At the same time, sunsets through out the world were unspeakably gorgeous as a result of the presence of ash and other atmospheric debris. Since we seem to equate everything within the parameters of our personal experience, we make inevitable comparisons to our local volcano, Mount Saint Helens in Washington, which was dramatic. It was a killer event. When the damage from the explosion and the resultant pyroclastic flow are viewed in person, it is extremely terrifying. Compared to Pinatubo and especially Krakatoa, it didn’t amount to a hill of beans. To the relatives of the victims it was as tragic as it can possibly get. To the bearing on the world in general it paled to insignificance compared to the aforementioned monster volcanoes. Even after seeing the damage on the northeast face of Mt St Helens it taxes one to even imagine the result of a mega volcano hundreds, if not thousands of times more damaging. If the ash doesn’t get you, the toxic gasses will.

Are there any conclusions which may be drawn from observations of the ocean currents and volcanic activity world wide? My first conclusion is to accept what God reported in Genesis 1:9-17 IV (6-13 KJV) and believe that he created this whole affair. In so doing, He created all the mechanisms which provide a pleasant life for us on the planet. For that I am grateful. I try to keep in mind that He created not only the beauties of the earth but also the inconveniences. The annoying insects, nuisance plants, ferocious beasts (some human, unfortunately), volcanoes, tsunamis, blizzards, and other irritations are all the work of His hand. They are a necessary part of the system of life which we so treasure. It’s up to me to learn to coexist and work with these threats and pests. If I insist on living at the sea side, I must be prepared for the storms at hand and the tsunamis which originate half a world away. If I choose to live in the down slopes of Mt Rainier in the suburbs of Tacoma, WA I must be ready to accommodate what could well become the greatest threat to a major metropolitan area in the United States. I don’t wish them ill but they are living at ground zero.

My second conclusion is that scientists have confirmed that there are unstoppable occurrences in our God created world which exist for a purpose. To carefully consider the ocean currents and their thermostatic effect on climate and not see God’s handiwork is not only foolish but blasphemous. Even destructive volcanoes have a distinct purpose. Without them, the island paradise which is Hawaii would not exist. For those who question the wisdom of the Almighty, note that the exponential increase in World population has been accompanied by proportionately increased rates of food production along with housing and other amenities.

The third conclusion is confirmation of the political, self-centered agenda of those who adhere to the religion of global warming. It appears little more than a device to inhibit the continued success of the first world countries to satisfy the envy driven desires of socialists to reward everything but hard work and initiative. They ignore the easily presented facts of the realities of our planet and proffer solutions which do not enhance life except for those who shun civil discourse and behavior. The really amazing thing is that otherwise thinking people choose to accept this balderdash and buy the “party line.” God help us all!

In His abiding love,

Cecil Moon

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