Thursday, January 24, 2008

A New Religion

With 6,000,000,000 people in the world, give or take a few, we definitely have a ready market for religions. Here in the United States, with only 225,000,000 people but with greater freedoms and opportunity to pursue individual faiths, we have far more than our share. All too often the reason is other countries often have a state imposed religion or at the least one which is tacitly endorsed by the government. In some theocracies, following a creed other than that which is state sponsored can be dangerous to the point of death. Often these involve interpretations of God or at the least, a higher power of some sort with a variety of names.

While the lexicographers list the “service or worship of God” as the first definition for religion, they also include: “set of beliefs or religious attitudes”, “scrupulous conformity”, and finally, “cause, principal, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith.” Even though God rates the number one spot, He is completely ignored in the remainder. Please note in the final definition the use of the word faith. “Belief in that for which there is no proof,” seems a convenient way to encapsulate its meaning. For those of us who relate words like faith and religion with the worship and adoration of Almighty God it may seem a corruption to attribute the usage to a more secular interest. Words have meaning and they are not always confined to our narrower usage.

The largest single contingent of fresh-faced “new” believers among us here and certainly world wide are those who adhere to the cult of Global Warming -- or climate change if you prefer. The prophet for the group, a necessary position, is none other than our very own Al Gore. His book, movie and endless computer models serve as a canon of scripture. The evidence of evangelical outreach is huge; not only by the “high priests” of the movement but with the complicit activity of the press and agenda driven governmental agencies. This theocracy is supported by individual governments and has gained international support from the United Nations. Watching the leadership of the group has its “Elmer Gantry” moments as they pollute the atmosphere with their jets and build mansions of energy guzzlers and go on to preach repentance over carbon offsets and cutting down trees. In their defense, few religions have ever been thoroughly cleansed of hypocrites.

In further parallel; dissenters are shunned in academia; attempts at silencing of contrary voices is near universal; and any effect of the sun as a causative factor is treated as lunacy. The propaganda mill for this entire fiasco is operational 24/7. No day passes without a reminder of their insidious campaign to inculcate one and all with their dire message. All disagreement is met with claims that “you” just don’t care about the earth. All ears are closed and the mouths run at a fever pitch. Pictures are painted of Philadelphia with suburban beach front property and vegetables being raised nine months a year in the Yukon Territory.

Ah, if only we would see the light and sign the Kyoto accords. Obviously if that industrial and economic giant, the United States would only abandon its industry and life style, the world would be a better place. Never mind that China, India and other titans of world production would be exempt. We are the villains. They choose to ignore the fact that without Kyoto we have an exemplary record of reducing carbon and improving air quality.
I am sorely pained when I observe otherwise thinking people buy into this scam. If you believe this tripe, better you should rush home and answer that email from Solicitor Benjy Matubo from Nigeria offering to share his 15 million dollar inheritance. Just because it’s on the network news at six and ten does not make it true. Repetition of identical falsehoods is no reason for their validation.

Although I have traveled extensively, I need do little more than look out my window to see superficial changes in the landscape. Our planet is alive! It is not a dead hunk of rock. It does indeed have a vulnerable surface layer which is highly susceptible to variance. To deny these changes would be foolish and ignore all geological and atmospheric evidence. This earth is in a constant state of flux.

To offer anecdotal evidence of either global warming or wage a denial is non-productive. By hand picking isolated circumstances to support either position serves only to serve the interests of the individual involved. The most embarrassing example of this is the attribution of climate change to Hurricane Katrina and the destruction of New Orleans. New Orleans was destroyed by government operatives engaged in poor pre-hurricane performance (see US Corps of Engineers and NO Levee Control Board) well in advance of the fact. The largest damage was not from the winds but from the water. This highly predictable outcome has been advertised for decades. As a former Louisiana resident, I have observed the state government and attained familiarity with the mind set of the people. In my view, there was absolutely nothing surprising about the disaster.

Personally, I love this earth. God has allowed me a paradise to call my home. I also recognize my responsibilities for the maintenance of our little rocky top property in the woods. It is not perfect, but then neither am I. When we chose the property, we realized that the summer would be hot and the winter could be cold. Like much of the Midwestern US, the last four years have found blistering summer days and, like this morning, days which start at seven degrees. This is weather – not, climate change. If you want a safe wager however, put your money on my being on my local golf course on Monday.

I trust the 10 day forecast from NOAA to be reasonably accurate. All too frequently even that changes within the ten day window but I understand. The only truly solid fact I have acquired over the years about weather forecasting is that it will be subject to change. The religion of global warming assures me that the same computer modeling which may well result in the cancellation of my golf plans can, with absolute accuracy, predict the level of the seas in a hundred years. It has to be true; the prophet (Al Gore) said so.

True believers hate dissension, controversy and examination of truth. For one to even suggest that global warming is a clumsy attempt to inhibit the economic growth of the United States and its friendly industrialized allies is to be characterized as one imbued with capitalist greed. I am amused to be counted among the successful capitalists who have acquired great wealth upon the backs of third world workers. That’s why we clip coupons and shop at Wal-Mart. Class envy, long an instrument of the leftists, is one of the prime movers of the faith. Stir up the masses to encourage the disruption of the economy by preaching gloom and doom and creating blame where it does not rightfully belong. I believe that snake handlers could mount a better defense of their faith. At least they believe that God will protect them.

If this post accomplishes nothing else, I hope it encourages you to not accept without thorough examination, all life changing propositions. Learn to recognize opinion versus fact. Dare to be the one who says, “Whoa!” If you read it here and think it is not accurate, tell us. We live in a world of lies clothed in slick presentation but lacking in supporting empirical evidence. If you have trouble sorting it out, accept the suggestion of following James: 1: Ask of God.

In His abiding love,

Cecil Moon

1 comment:

Patricia Ragan said...


Have you heard this from the Underground Christian Network

Great stuff in agreement with all you say.
