Saturday, October 10, 2009

And the Winner is….

Jimmy Carter, no! Yassar Arafat, no! Al Gore, no! Those were all ill-thought former choices. It is our very own President, BHO; and the Scandinavian Follies continue. We have apparently entered a time when those recipients of the prestigious prize have gone from Miss Congeniality to Mr. “I Think It Might Happen.”

Ah Scandinavia, from Denmark to Norway, we find the snowy slush in the streets barely equivalent to the mush in their minds. Keep in mind that their global position is roughly equivalent to Alaska. In February, much of Norway is shrouded in near total darkness which apparently serves to hide the intent of these crypto-communists, with unpronounceable names, from true peace loving peoples. Unlike those scant months of summer when they have brilliant sun and mid-night twilight, they choose the timing of the advance of their globalist agenda in the darkening skies of impending winter gloom. Lord, save us from the inter-solstice mischief of winter.

Amid the shock of the announcement and the plaintive pleas of innocence and feigned humility from the president, I continue to question the relevance of the entire affair. One factoid I gleaned from the near universal reporting is the decline of importance of those former recipients of the Nobel Peace Prize. If I have to explain Jimmy Carter’s continuing plunge in credibility, Yassar Arafat’s heinous record, or Al Gore under constant attack for his contrived charts, graphs, and psuedo-science then this point will be less than obvious. For good or ill, most recipients were at the peak of their game when they got the gold and the 1.4 million. It was all downhill from there.

If you have your Nobel and a lifetime sinecure, why bother with seeking to enlarge your accomplishments? In the serious sciences, it is an acknowledgement of a lifetime quest to solve a problem of international scope and seek a benefit to every person on the globe. In the more subjective arenas--literature, peace, etc.--it carries an inborn curse of finality.

What great book was written after its author received the prize? Aside from Carter’s carpentry skills, an equivalent talent shared with millions of home handymen, what has he done on the Nobel level? Granted, Arafat continued to notch his gun after the award but that is not what he achieved the honor for. Or was it?

So is this a predictor of the fate of the current recipient? As his ambitions become more and more obvious, even to many of his former supporters, and as the shine wears off the medal, so too may the acceptance of reshaping America and the Constitution be tarnished. One can only hope that the tradition continues and he eventually slips into obscurity as well.

In His abiding love,

Cecil Moon

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