Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Spaghetti Bowl

If nothing else, three million miles behind the wheel of various vehicles has given me a decent view of some delightful and some extremely dangerous sights. On balance, I have concluded that the 460 mile gravel on the “haul” road in Alaska, the “Bear Tooth” highway in Montana, and the perilous off road passes through the Rockies are relatively tame compared to some urban interchanges.

Living in Las Vegas, one becomes accustomed to the terror, inconvenience, delay and exposure to driving ignorance which is the norm in the spaghetti bowl interchange. US 95 and I-15 come together with a variety of off-ramps and entrances to a highly congested downtown area adjacent to the facility. It is further complicated by ever tightening curving off-ramps which have lured many a high-profile outfit to destruction.

Even the bucolic surroundings on the south side of Joplin, MO and somewhat east at the junction of US 71 and I-44 provide a thrill a minute. Southbound 71 makes a sharp right at the bottom and accesses a shared exit with east bound I-44 traffic exiting to go north on US 71. The sharp curve allows one to enter I-44 traffic at only about 45 mph and attempt to regain the freeway’s standard 75mph while simultaneously dodging traffic trying to exit. Successful completion of the maneuver invariably evokes prayers of thanksgiving.

I could cite many more examples but I really think that this picture will tell you all you need to know.

If you live in any type of urban setting it should appear very familiar. This bizarre photo and forty others are available for your viewing at this web site. Warning: some are quite disturbing but each is very imaginative and capably done.

I can’t just let it go at that so I shall remind you of a simple fact. The same government which haunts your dreams and ruins you future, designs these interchanges. If you want to see what our health-care system will look like in the future; take one more look at the above picture.

In His abiding love,

Cecil Moon

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