Thursday, March 12, 2009

Testimony 2

In what we hope will be a continuing feature, we offer another testimony from Hartley. It is a wonderful opportunity to mine the real life experiences of this wonderful Christian man.

“Over the last fifty years I have accumulated over three hours of testimony, one on one, with the Holy Spirit. Preaching and testifying seem to be so foolish in these times.

In my work place I found myself harassed by a new supervisor, it lasted over a period of many years. One evening some information came to my hand, and if I used that information I could rid myself of this person.

I went down a dark material aisle in the plant and told the Lord, 'Even Joseph Smith wrote that he had turned his cheek until it was folly to do so any longer.' I asked the Lord would I be justified in using this opportunity.

I immediately saw before me a great tan colored wall, very high, in the center was a great iron door. A man came up to the door and opened it; it was an inch or more thick. As I looked into the opening I was shocked motionless--I was looking into Hell. I saw torment there; greater than words could ever express.

When I came to myself I recoiled in horror, turned away and fell to my knees. I prayed the most fervent prayer of my life. I prayed that nothing I ever said or had done would put a person in that horrific place. I prayed for my adversary with heart felt determination that he would be blessed--and likewise to all. I cannot imagine hating anyone enough to cast them into that horrible place.

There are no frivolous words in the Holy Scriptures, Pray for your enemies, bless those who despitefully use you, pray with all your heart, might, mind, and strength, that you might conduct yourself in such a way to please God.” (Ed. Mt 5:44)

God Bless,

Hartley Stanbridge”

If you feel led to share this testimony in any manner, please feel free to do so without specific permission. The usual rules apply; unedited and an appropriate link..

In His abiding love,

Cecil Moon

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