Tuesday, March 25, 2008

A Missed Egg

One of the perils of the week after Easter Sunday is the inevitable discovery of an egg which the children missed. It sits nestled in the grass behind the Sycamore awaiting the joyous laughter of a child who never came. They have all gone on to other childish pastimes and finally donned their new finery for more sober church attendance. There, they no doubt relearned the story of our Lord’s suffering and the exhilarating story of his re-ascension from the tomb. Hopefully, they understood the very personal importance of the event. If not now, perhaps, with our guidance, as they mature it will become clear.

This causes me to wonder what we may have overlooked in the process as well. Were we able to take the time amidst preparing dinner, readying for company, or supervising the egg-roll, to meditate on our place in this most important celebration? This historical fact is the linch-pin which binds us all. We are not Christians because of his birth; we are bound by the mutual promise held in the resurrection. We have been invited to share in the miracle by our kind and loving Father. Once shed of the earthly life, we can then proceed to an eternity with Him. This promise of reward for our diligence in following the Master is what brings joy into every believer’s heart despite our earthly cares.

The kings brought gifts to the birth of the Savior. We faithfully emulate them during the Christmas season. I find this curious in consideration of the magnitude of the gift of the resurrection. Surely that exceeds the value of gold, frankincense and myrrh. It does, in fact, outweigh anything which one can imagine on this earth. In personal experience, I have found that the most appreciated gifts are those which I have hand-crafted in my shop. Their monetary value is minimal but the recipients appear to appreciate the expenditure of thought, effort, and time which is the currency of the gift. Likewise, I shall offer a prayer of thanksgiving to God for extending his personal hand to each and every Christian for providing His ever-so-personal gift.

These afterthoughts demand a re-visit to one of the greatest assignments ever given to angels. “. . .for two angels of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it.” (Matt 28:2) This is a major happening. To be picked to be the agent of this momentous revelation causes one to wonder what their lives must have been like. God singled them out to reveal to the women and to the world that life after death is a reality. They also did it with flare. It was preceded by an earthquake and once accomplished, “Their “they sat upon it. Their countenance was like lightening, and their raiment white as snow.” (v 3) They demonstrated the full power and majesty of the Author of their visit. Once they had their attention, and only then, did they deliver their message, “He is risen!” (v 5)

This summation tells it all. He is risen. What more do we need? Jesus Christ has provided the entire reason for being. Praise God and enjoy your own personal reflections on this holiest of seasons.

In His abiding love,

Cecil Moon

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