Tuesday, March 18, 2008

A Fine Mess

About the only thing anyone remembers about the old Oliver and Hardy comedy team is the famous line, “It’s a fine mess you’ve got us in now, Ollie.”

It’s almost impossible for me to refrain from comment on the political scene. Initially, I was disappointed that the race for the presidency started so early. As it progresses I have come to relish the news and the latest gaffes by the various players. Lest I be accused of partisanship, let me say that since the Democrats are currently providing the most entertainment, I shall deal mostly with them.

Mr. Barak please-don’t-use-my-middle-name Obama has found that even “rock star” appeal can be tiresome for the American public. This is especially true when guilt by association rears its ugly head. His twenty year dependence upon Mr. Wright of mega-church (8400 members) fame for pastoral duties, close confidence and inspiration has resulted in the airing of some very radical opinions and positions on the part of the preacher. One would assume that being married by, having children baptized by, using his sermon for the theme of your popular book and donating $20,000 in a year to the church would suggest more than a casual relationship. Obama, in a fit of expediency has denounced his friend and mentor and denied ever hearing his “trash talk” from the pulpit and in his writings.

His epiphany is in the realization that what gets you elected with the backing of the south side of Chicago does not guarantee national appeal. White liberal guilt will not assure the oval office if you share Rev. Wright’s views. The entire premise was to assuage racist (white?) conflicts and coast to a “color blind” America. Contrarily, he lifted the rock and found even stronger evidence of racism (black?) hiding under it.. No one could envy him the job of trying to right (pun intended) this wrong. The harshest indictment coming from all of this is the sudden realization by his supporters that he is in fact a politician, and not the long awaited “black messiah.”

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the second place candidate (yes, he has more delegate count) continues to make clumsy attempts to downplay the racial aspects of the campaign. Clinton, not free from her own problems, would like to exploit Obama’s dilemma but has to mind the staffing in her own crew of workers and advisors. Since her own attitudes are suspect, she cannot press without looking even more harsh and mean spirited. The sole female candidate to run for elected executive office on a national scale, Geraldine Ferraro, left in a huff and sought refuge with the opposition. Her pal, fellow New Yorker, and supporter, former governor Eliot Spitzer hasn’t been much help either.

Mrs. Clinton’s problems are further exacerbated by the conflict of the renegades in Michigan and Florida who advanced their primaries timing and effectively disenfranchised their primary voters. Several options have been offered and none are acceptable to all the parties. No one likes a “do over” except golfers, but that seems to be the only out. At this point, I’m sure she would like to see representational voting dumped in favor of the more “democratic” majority rule. Cooler heads are aware of the age old injunction that this is synonymous with “mob rule” in a constitutional sense.

In the interest of unity the DNC (Democratic National Committee) attempts to quash anyone trying to set up a third party bid and foil the possibility of retaking the white house. With both major candidates putting out new fires every day, the threat of Nader, Gore, Edwards, Kerry et. al. starting a late bid becomes greater. Dean, the DNC head must be putting in some restless nights. One ponders that even a latter day King Solomon would have difficulty with this one.

Through it all, the Republican candidate needs to do little more than stay alive to survive in this race. If he cannot accumulate enough baggage to assign to either of these two in their constant strife then he doesn’t deserve the job. Meanwhile, he is off to Iraq to demonstrate to Americans who care about such things that he does as well. With his background, I’m certain he will be well received in the war zone. This is reminiscent of the situation in sports where the top seeded team has the opportunity to omit the preliminaries and rest up before the finals. Hey, he’s nearly as old as I am so I can understand his relief.

Every essay requires a summation; so what is it for this one? Beats me! Like Fox news claims, “we report, you decide.” While joking with my bride about this mess, we came to the conclusion—not spot on, but close—that it’s similar to having playground bullies in grade school suddenly turn on each other. In that case, we all escaped with our lunch money intact and they wound up with the bruises. In this matter, let us pray we can wind up with a chief executive we can respect and the favor will be returned.

In His abiding love,

Cecil Moon

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just to let you know that I am faithfully reading and enjoying.
I wish I had time to write some replies but things have been so busy for me lately.
I am involved in the aerospace industry. So in the current boom, our capacity level is several years behind so we scramble to make every minute count (twice);)
Nevertheless, I still enjoy reading your essays and just wanted you to know that you are not writing into empty space.
Matt Lowry