Monday, February 4, 2008

Monday Morning Rant 23

This is as a good a place as any to register my complaint. Nobody cares anyway. I am sick to death of listening to people butcher the Star Spangled Banner. A beautiful young woman with an absolutely fabulous voice is led to improvise America’s most beloved anthem and run it right straight into the ground. That’s why I only lasted ten to fifteen seconds on the Super Bowl before I turned back to the “Puppy Bowl.”

What is it compels people to attempt to improve on this sacred song? I realize it is a hard piece of music. Lord knows, I have played it enough (trumpet) and sung it enough over the years to realize that. The range is atrocious and the intervals challenging but that’s why musicians practice. As a limited range baritone I can fully appreciate the difficulty but I have always found the subject inspired me to exceed my capabilities.

It seems to be part of a trend in music today. The artists either dumb it down to monotonous repetition or jazz it up with improvisation and unwritten octave jumps. People, please, give some measure of honor to the composer and his intentions. Yes, I know it is adapted from an Old English drinking song but that is no excuse to dishonor the piece. Back in my drinking days (twenty seven years ago) I heard better renditions of the National Anthem at piano bars than I hear preceding today’s sporting events and occasions of state.

Please, give us all a break and just sing the song!
I heard it suggested in Sunday school yesterday that ministry and teaching should be restricted to the priesthood. That would be ideal in a perfect world with an elder on every corner. While the assertion was correct within the context it was given (Ephesians 4:11) it continues on for the next couple of chapters to make understood what the responsibilities are for the body of believers. While I registered no protest vocally – I was a guest after all – I did feel it diminished the importance of every saint, regardless of office, to witness and share the gospel as he felt led. Ed. note: Where in this passage does it refer to "priesthood?" He's talking to believers.

If we are indeed Christians, is it not our responsibility to advertise it by our behavior and our testimony? We of the Restored Church are part of one of the very smallest of religious bodies extant. How many times must we be commanded to share the good news? We can not long survive as an exclusive little clique. Have we ever missed an opportunity to reveal our affiliation with a co-worker? Does your barber or beautician know you actually belong to a body of believers? How about the folks you golf, bowl, run, or workout with? We are not in a private “lodge” with a super secret hand shake. We need to share our acquaintance with a very powerful Friend.

As I looked at the make-up of the Sunday school class, I decided from their average age, probably close to seventy, that we were ill advised to accept the premise that only the priesthood should evangelize. Later at the communion service I took another look and decided that the average had dropped to probably sixty-five. This is a recipe for the utter disappearance of the church. Although it sometimes seems the scriptures are full of do’s and don’ts; a more care reading reveals they are also full of “go and do’s.” Come on, people, go now and testify of the wonders of Jesus Christ. Let the credentials come when they will; God will share that news with you.
After I got bored with the Giants and the Patriots, I took my own recommendation and tuned in to the Puppy Bowl. Enjoying the totally natural, non-scripted enthusiasm of the puppies provided an uplift of incomparable proportions.

Yes, I am a sucker for mutts. My bride is even worse. Every stray she sees automatically becomes “ours.” I don my best stern face and say no. She then says something about how they will starve or worse, die of thirst – never mind the Spring River runs less than half a mile from our house. I continue my protest with the full realization that it is a waste of breath. As you may know, after the disaster of Katrina, she went to Slidell, Louisiana with Noah’s Wish to help with the animal rescue efforts there. She returned after a couple, three weeks with the conflicting disappointment with the people who abandoned their pets and exhilaration for the caring workers who volunteered their time and treasure to help them out.

We are charged with the care of all of God’s creatures. Having dominion over them is no excuse to abuse them in any way. This includes leaving them un-neutered. Yes, it costs a few bucks but it contributes to a saner level of pet population and responsibility. I guarantee they will demonstrate more love for you than you can possibly muster for them.

In His abiding love,

Cecil Moon

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