Monday, July 6, 2009

Monday Morning Rant 99

Is there anything more wholesome than a Fourth of July picnic/potluck at friends with a community of fireworks to top off the evening? My good friend, Scott Welsh, has an annual affair which is well attended as well as a diet wrecker. Not that I need a holiday to watch the personal destruction of my waist line. The hand cranked ice cream didn’t help.

An Ozark Fourth, like a Louisiana Fourth, or a Cheese Head Fourth, or a Pike’s Peak Fourth has much to share with all the rest. As I reviewed the gathering, I found reminders of what our forefathers had in mind for the nation. A group of independent spirits, with mobs of little kids and dogs, gathered with actual awareness of what they were celebrating. There were no speeches, just joy, fun, and games for people who understand the meaning of liberty. It seemed as though the real problems the nation faces were set aside for a bit to enjoy the leisure of appreciating what we have.

It presented an opportunity to catch up with folks I hadn’t seen for a while and reaffirm our friendship. Kids were there who had grown a foot since last 4th of July. Moms attended with the obvious promise of a new round in the diaper derby for the next holiday party. It’s OK; they won’t eat much—yet! Several brought new pets to show off to the consternation of the older animals and Scott’s ducks.

It reminded me that one doesn’t have to be related, ride a camel, or carry a spear to be tribal. Our common traits, goals, and faith bring us together with many of the barriers to normal human intercourse lowered by our mutual definitions. Although many countries have a national holiday to celebrate their founding; the Fourth is uniquely American in that it honors the formation of a republic with exceptional history and, with the help of Almighty God—a brilliant future.

Margaret Thatcher Speaks

I thoroughly enjoyed this lady when she was the Prime Minister and found her the ideal companion for Ronald Reagan in the world scene. There is something about a cultured, refined, and competent woman who scares the “crazies” to death. I would remind you that the left hated and ridiculed her almost as much as they do Sarah Palin today. Would that we had more of both.

Martin Knight Wednesday, July 1st at 12:07PM EDT From RedState:

“To me, ‘consensus’ seems to be the process of abandoning all beliefs, principles, values and policies. So it is something in which no one believes and which no one objects … There are still people in my party who believe in ‘consensus’ politics. I regard them as Quislings, as traitors … I mean it." -Margaret Thatcher

Consensus is the language of capitulation. “To go along to get along” is not the formula Margaret Thatcher used to earn the sobriquet: the Iron Lady. There were few shades of gray in her policy statements but rather a flood of straightforward speech.

For those unfamiliar with “Quislings,” the reference is to those, during the exile of the rightful leaders, who formed a compliant straw government in France during WWII to abet the Nazis in their march to world conquest. A quicker and more accurate name would have been—traitors.

A Leftist View of America

The cartoon below will set the scene for a rollicking view of America prior to July 4, 1776

For the rest of this brilliant analysis simply click here and enjoy what could have continued if our pesky forefathers had not acted. To fully appreciate it you need to look at the cartoon carefully and click on this link.

And finally

If you click on the link above you will have more than enough to keep you occupied for today’s rant. It has been a very busy holiday for Jan and me. We made two tea parties and one 4th picnic. She worked at the government controlled elder storehouse and I did a bunch of yard work also. We are both plum tuckered out so it’s soon off to slumber land.

For our Tea Party experience it was Cassville, Missouri, and also Springfield. My hat is off to those who took part of their precious holiday time to attend. In addition to signage topped by a flag, I wear a vest with a small-bore target on my back with the words “RIGHT-WING EXTREMIST” emblazoned on the outer rings. Unlike the retirees, many of these people are currently employed and don’t have the discretionary time available as readily as we geezers. What is most important, they find the time to make their voices heard in protest to the activities from the funny farm in Washington D.C.

It is also unlikely that folks who would normally be at a Tea Party would be concerned about getting to Neverland for a MJ memorial service. I guess it’s all part of having one’s priorities lined up properly.

The criticism from the left continues apace and simply serves to reinforce the concept that as we become more effective, they turn the volume up—and the vile comments. I have signed up to go to D.C. for the march on the Capitol on Sept. 12th. As a nation, we lost our virgin blush on 9/11 and the 12th should be seen as the day we reject all enemies of our great nation whether they come from abroad or within. We must rise to oppose those who would remove our liberty. Join the protests if you are able—not for you; for your grandchildren. Work to let them enjoy the fruits of hard won freedom.

In His abiding love,

Cecil Moon

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