Monday, October 22, 2007

Peace at Last

I rigidly maintained that I would not concern myself with a posting while I was on my “Grandpa” run. I confess that it became impossible.

I called Jan from the car in Texas somewhere and she asked was I anxious to get there. I then told her that I was “there". She realized that my meaning was about being free on the open road without cares and observing God’s universe flying by at 65 mph. To me the trip is the goal. I love my home, my wife, my mutts, my friends, and of course, my own computer. But sometimes a new perspective is called for.

I don’t travel in what some would call luxury. Later that night, I pulled off in the desert past Tucumcari, NM, found an isolated spot and readied myself for the remainder of the night. I have a wonderful bed in my rig and after 13 hours of continuous travel I was definitely ready for it.

Before settling down for the night I took the time to view the sky (about 2 am.) Clear of surrounding light and lacking even a sliver of a moon I was treated to an awesome display. One cannot help feeling insignificant in relation to the view in the heavens. I pondered the power, might and majesty of God who could create and keep this all going.

I extended my arm and made an "okay" configuration joining my thumb and forefinger. Within that tiny circle held against the sky were complete solar systems of activity of unlimited number. Surrounded by stars and other solar bodies my earthbound mind could not begin to contemplate how many.

I then jumped into my bed and spent the rest of my waking minutes thinking about our puny efforts to glorify the Creator of the whole milieu and wondering how we could make any substantial change in it. Viewing my own life and the activities of the church through this prism is indeed humbling. Once projected against this backdrop of majesty and power one wonders how God can be such a force in one insignificant life.

I reviewed the many testimonies I have personally, and those which others have shared, and marveled at a creator who verifies His presence daily in our lives. That retrospection reveals a God of unimaginable power—and love. The immensity of the scene revealed the power, and dwelling on events demonstrated the love.

In His abiding love,

Cecil Moon

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